#dp x mlp
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months ago
So I've seen some MLP DP crossovers but hear me out-
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Danny's ghost form as a Changeling. Changeling-esque ghosts.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year ago
Danny Phantom Related Masterlist
•Ghost blobs!
•Dash is a human sacrifice
•Great Cub
•Ember has been kidnapped
•If Small, Why Sink?
•Not So Scary (Coming Soon!)
DP x Linked Universe
•Short headcanon list
•Memes, anyone?
•More memes
•He jumped?!
•Uhh not sure what to call this
•Okay, this is probably the last string of memes
•I lied, here’s a few more
•It’s just one meme
•Another idea
•Incorrect quote that I just tossed out there (we appreciate you trying to help, Hyrule)
•Late night thoughts
•Studying and Manatees
•No caffeine?! Criminal!
•Introducing Vlad
•Another Incorrect Quote
•”Danny, get out of the closet!”
•Lord Of The Dark Birds
•A couple more incorrect quotes
•Soup Time
•Picking locks
•Who’s Dash?
•Dash? What are you doing here?
•Singing equals spells??
•Comfort in the chaos
•Wing bois rant
•More Little Baby Man
•How are they not banned??
•Meme anyone?
•That time Danny picked up Time
•Danny is the youngest sibling
•Everlasting Trio!
•”He’s in the walls...”
•April 3rd Special! :D
Story Chapters: Eudaemon (Now on Ao3 too! :D)
•The Beginning
•Proper Introductions
•Dawn Of The Second Day
•Magical Meal
•Day 3
•Where Do Stars Come From?
•Quick update
•Creepy Conclusions
•Ghost Boy, Where Art Thou?
•Alexa, Play Mission Impossible
•Hungry For Answers (Coming soon!)
Ao3 Link!
•Sneak Peek! (Updated October 30th)
Beautiful art by @nerdypear4 here, here, here, here, and here too!
•Quick vote
DP x Marvel Universe
•Loki’s cape
•”Hey, Ron.” “Hey, Billy.”
DC x DP Prompts
•Accidentally Blessed
•Phantom Forest
•A Ghost Boy and His Wolf
•Tired Haunt
•Early Hero Gets The Adoptee
•Family Reunion
•Loki’s cape
•More Wulf!
•Watchtower Ghost
DC x DP Headcanons
•Reasons to not trust the Justice League
•”Really? This guy?”
Seeing Double
Young Justice x Danny Phantom
Summary: A ghost who looks a lot like Phantom comes to him in search of protection, and their newest member instantly agrees. He calls her his little sister, and sooner or later, Phantom also might end up with a new brother.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Friendship is Haunting
Mlp x Danny Phantom AU
•What if?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
DP Unnamed AU
PenPals AU
Halfa Dash AU
•First post
•Quick talk about how Danny suffers in this AU
•How Dash became a Halfa
•Phantom’s soft spot
The Thing In The Dark
•??? (Work In Progress)
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definitely-jax · 23 days ago
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fandom-lover-extra · 1 year ago
DC X DP X MLP Prompt
So, a lot of people have suggested Danny meeting Klarion, as Klarion in a way could be classified as a particularly mischievous spirit. Well, I propose Klarion, Danny, and Discord meet.
After all, Discord was introduced as a spirit of Choas. Not to mention a Lord of Choas. Would that mean he would have more jurisdiction over Klarion or would it be the other way around?
Maybe, since Clockwork is Danny's pseudo-dad, Discord could be Klarion's pseudo-dad. And Clockwork and Discrod set up a little playdate between the two.
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tourettesdog · 2 years ago
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Just some MLP (My Little Phantom)
-Trans boy -Smaller than he’d like to be -Dies before getting a cutiemark (hence not having one as a ghost) -Gets his cutiemark very late and resents the result at first -Loses use of left wing after pony-equivalent accident; can only fly as a ghost
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gryphonia · 6 months ago
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Something I have had in my mind for many years, and it's finally here! 😄 I had fun coming up with DP-related colors for it. Free to use in you DP pony au shenanigans and crafts. 🌈The file is png and transparent. Have fun using! Credit @gryphonia if you like! 💕
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schnuffel-danny · 1 year ago
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reposting the Jack/Vlad horses because I cannot find the original post with them
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blackpensils · 9 months ago
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Don't ask where this came from, I haven't watched Mlp since the 2017 movie...
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max-the-hecker · 10 months ago
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Ermmmm ya pony au idk.....
So basically it's just danny phantom but ponies and equestria girls
It turns him into an alicorn princes instead of a ghost and he says "IM GOING PRINCESS" or "IM GOING HORSE" and changes into his alicorn persona
I'd definitely like to write a fanfic I could design a cover and everything omfg
Also ignore that in the 2nd image I forgot to draw all but the bangs of twilights hair so that's all she's got loll
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dely-pilar-99 · 2 years ago
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Discord fa una vacanza nella terra degli umani all’epoca degli uomini della caverne. Mentre fa un pisolino una donna lo stupra e rimane incinta di suo figlio, così Discord la riporta con se a equestria.Nove mesi dopo la donna,ke si comporta perennemente come una cagna in calore, da alla luce un bambino ermafrodita che Discord nomina Demon Discordia. Quando il piccolo Demon,che si identifica come maschio, ha 10 anni, sua madre ruba a Discord un artefatto che consente il viaggio tra le dimensioni, quindi rapisce Demon e lo riporta con se nel regno umano,dove la donna rompe le corna e ferisce una delle ali di suo figlio. Fortunatamente Demon riesce a scappare coi resti delle sue corna e L’artefatto ormai distrutto, che archivia nella borsa senza fondo che porta sempre legata alla coscia. I secoli passano e Demon non ha ancora trovato un modo per tornare da suo padre,di conseguenza continua a viaggiare per evitare che la gente scopra che non è umano. Nel corso del tempo trova la sua vocazione nel portare gioia ai bambini e più di una volta ha trovato lavoro come tata/babysitter spacciandosi per una donna. Negli anni ‘90 alcuni scienziati catturano Demon e per avere più soggetti di prova usano i suoi spermatozoi ed uno dei suoi ovuli per creare un embrione che successivamente impiantano nel suo utero. Quando finalmente si sveglia, Damon non perde tempo a fuggire. Qualche settimana dopo Damon viene avvicinato da un medico che lo trova a vomitare vicino ad un albero, e Demon si lascia convincere a fare un controllo medico completo, in cui scopre della sua gravidanza. I mesi successivi passano in relativa tranquillità, ma un giorno si imbatte in dei cacciatori che lo scambiano per una preda e cominciano ad inseguirlo, finendo per forargli la spalla sinistra nel processo. Alla fine Demon riesce a sfuggirgli, ma la spalla continua a sanguinare ed inoltre inizia a sentire delle fitte al ventre che alla fine lo fanno collassare e gridare per il dolore. Fortunatamente quelle grida permettono ad una coppia di escursionisti di trovarlo, permettendogli così di raggiungere la casa del suo medico di fiducia. Purtroppo la serata finisce in tragedia quando la bambina di Demon nasce morta,iniziando a trascinare Demon in una spirale di depressione. Una volta che Cassiopea, la bambina di Demon, è stata cremata, quest’ultimo svanisce nel nulla x i prossimi 12 anni circa,ritrovandosi congelato fino alle ossa ogni 15 settembre, il giorno della morte di Cassiopea.
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danis-artss · 5 months ago
Sooo someone decided to make me THINK (terrible decision, really)
And i gotta write this all up a second time cause apparently my wifi is SHIT
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1. I ABSOLUTELY support the "cutie marks disappear at death" thing, and sam ABSOLUTELY has to redraw dannys cutie mark each day before school. Having a blank flank as a foal is okay, but it would be VERY obvious if a young stallions cutie mark suddenly up and disappeared ! Lets just hope that dash isnt planning any pranks on danny which involve water :|
And 2. My headcanon is that jack fenton, the moment jazz and danny received their cutie marks, had them added to their hazmat suits (just like how he and maddie would have theirs on their suits). Just like the rest of the suit, dannys cutie mark wouldve just gotten inverted.
But as to how it changed.....
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Lil stallion got no clue why she did that, he was to focused on having WINGS
Thank celestia that sam is the one in the trio having the braincell...
Another drawing from september ! Or was it still august ? I srsly got no idea....
I like danny phantom,
I like my little pony
Have a cute lil pony danny
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starry-bi-sky · 7 months ago
Lmao instead of Sam being the new plant queen from undergrowth its Danyal in Things In Threes (og Danyal au with the face scar)
“Oh an Al Ghul! I do so love your family. Such friends of nature you all are.”
Consequently this is how Sam and Tucker find out Danny’s original last name /j
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hugsandchaos · 1 year ago
Friendship Is Haunting
Prologue Part Three
2,784 words
Zecora walked through the forest and easily avoided the exposed tree roots. Her eyes and ears were open for any sudden movement around her. The forest was dangerous with many predators and hostile flora. The morning was often the safest time to leave her house since creatures were either going to sleep or waking up, but one could never be too sure that every one of them weren’t active. The morning light breached through the canopy and lit up some of the forest floor well enough for her to see where she was going. The first of the birds chirped in the distance, and soon enough, others would slowly follow. Then the busy day for survival would begin. Zecora was planning on stopping by a lake up ahead to collect some water from it and was following a path in her mind to get to it, but a red color in the middle of her imaginary path made her stop in her tracks.
She stared at it for a few seconds before taking a cautious step forward. Blood wouldn’t hurt her, but whatever caused it to spill in the first place could be nearby. She lowered her head to get a closer look. It was dry. She relaxed a little bit knowing that whatever happened occurred about an hour ago or more, but as she lifted her head to continue albeit on higher alert, she spotted some kind of green liquid dried up barely a step away from the blood. Then Zecora noticed another drop of blood. Then another, and another, and more of the green stuff followed the drops of blood. Before she knew it, the zebra was following a trail of blood and the green stuff. She didn’t have to walk very far before she looked up and realized that she was heading towards a cave.
However, inside the cave, just a few steps from the entrance, she could see a creature leaning against the cave wall. The white around their waist looked... familiar, in a way. Z could see from where she was standing outside that the white was stained with the blood and the odd green substance she’d been following, and their legs had multiple untreated scrapes. Zecora first thought was to help the creature, but there were problems. The first one was that she hadn’t brought any medical supplies. She hadn’t expected to be met with such a sight on her way to get some water. She didn’t have magic to carry the creature, or a carrier either. It was left at her house. As she looked at the creature, she realized he might be a bit heavy for her carrier to make the whole journey from her house and back, and might actually need her wagon.
Zecora paused that train of thought. If she could wake them up, then she could help them walk to her house. With this new plan in mind, she came closer until she could lift a hoof and give them a careful shake. There was no response. She tried again, but it had the same results. She tried again. The creature groaned, but didn’t wake up. She tried again. No response. The zebra’s panic began to really climb, and in only a few seconds, she made up her mind.
As fast as she could, Zecora turned around and broke out into a sprint. Her house wasn’t very far when she walked, so running there and back wouldn’t take much time. She just hoped that the creature’s life wouldn’t have been lost in that time. She zipped past a tree which was familiar to her for the lowest branches curving upwards slightly almost like a masquerade mask and turned right. A few seconds later, she spotted her house through the thick greenery. Zecora’s heart was pumping faster as she ran around it to get the wagon on the other side. She ducked under one of the wooden beams and stood back straight up when her ribcage was under the metal harness. She lifted her hooves to make a few adjustments before taking a few steps forward to test it and make sure it was secure. Thankfully, it was, and the wheels worked as well as she had hoped. Now with a way to carry the creature, Zecora began running again. The wagon wasn’t exactly as pretty as the ponies of the nearby town, but it was well suited for riding through difficult terrain and narrower roads than what the other carts would’ve allowed. This made it easy to get back to the creature almost as fast as she had left them.
Luckily, no predator had gotten to them in the few minutes she was gone. Unfortunately, however, the creature still hadn’t woken up. She went inside the cave and turned around so that the wagon was next to the creature. After that, she got herself out and was by the creature’s side in seconds. Now comes the hard part.
Zecora moved one of her hooves behind the creature and pulled them away from the cave wall. They were lighter than she had expected for their size, but she still had to wriggle her other hoof behind them to move them far enough from the cave wall to get their entire body on the ground. She ducked low and quickly moved behind the creature to catch them from falling down. They were quite heavy, and the zebra briefly lowered even closer to the ground, but she managed to rise back up a little. Their arms hung above and behind her head. She could feel the creature slowly beginning to slip off, but she used one of her hooves to wrap around the arm dangling in front of her and managed to pull them. This way, more of the creature’s body would be on her back and even out their weight. Zecora slowly pushed herself up and kept her good around the creature’s arm. She leaned slightly whenever she felt the creature slip in order to keep him up. Their weight was putting quite a bit of strain on her, but she pushed on and walked a few steps closer to the wagon. Each step was a little difficult to balance, but she made it.
Zecora reached up and unlocked the back of the wagon before pulling it down to a small ramp. The climb was extremely short, but very tiring. She slowly dipped her head down and crouched, allowing the creature to slowly slip off her back and into the wagon. Their arms and legs were stretched out of the wagon, but Zecora, panting and ready to continue despite her body already pretty sore, adjusted them into a more comfortable position the best she could. She had went by the way their limbs had moved and made sure that they wouldn’t fall out. Now the creature was seated with their chin tucked into their chest, both arms by their side, and knees bent and up. It was a little bit small, but it would work. Zecora backed out and raised the back up again. As she began locking it, she heard something. Something that made her heart skip a beat.
The sound could only be described as a mixture between a hiss and a chirp, and the zebra knew exactly what that meant.
Zecora’s heart somehow got even faster as she locked up the back of the wagon and rushed to the front. She quickly readjusted the harness and bolted out of the cave. Adrenaline was giving her more strength to pull the wagon, so she was able to push herself into a speed-trot even with the heavy cargo. She didn’t know if the gaidryc was following her, but she didn’t dare slow down or turn back. It was much better to be safe than sorry. She had to get to her house as soon as she could. Her heart was now practically pounding against her chest, ready to burst out. Still, her mind screamed at her to run faster. Through her frantic mind, Zecora kept the heavyweight behind her in mind and did her best to avoid roots, rocks, fallen vines, and other debris that could cause her to have to stop. She soon took another turn at the tree with the “masquerade” branches. It gave her hope that she’d make it. She turned and continued.
Soon enough, she saw her house. The sight of it gave Zecora more hope that she’d make it. She hadn’t heard the predator since the cave, but it could easily be following her and she wouldn’t notice. She closed the distance between her and her house a little slower than she would’ve liked, but she made it regardless and stopped a meter away from her door. Quickly pulling the harness off, she practically kicked her door open and ran towards the carrier she kept inside. The wagon was too big for the doorway, and the creature was very heavy, so she’d have to use the carrier. It was just big enough for small distances. She bit the harness instead of taking the time to put it on and sprinted back outside. To her relief, she didn’t see anything outside aside from the wagon and the injured creature. The gaidryc wasn’t there. Still, she wasn’t about to slow down. Zecora rushed to the back of the wagon and unlocked it.
The creature was awake, but barely. Their eyes seemed to struggle to stay open and stared off into the distance. They were unfocused and threatening to close. She laid the carrier at the bottom of the ramp and, as gently as she could, bit the creature’s clothes. She used just enough strength to hold them in her mouth and hoped it wouldn’t be enough to accidentally cause some bruising. She pulled on them and slowly backed up. The creature let out a small groan as they were dragged down the ramp and onto the carrier. Once they were on it, their eyes had closed again. Luckily, the steady rise and fall of their chest helped ease the zebra’s anxiety that the situation was even worse than she thought. Zecora moved to grab the harness and pulled them inside. Once she was finally inside, she shut the door. She felt like she could take a moment to breathe, but the creature was still injured. Who knew how long they’d been out there? Or if the scrapes were already infected? Zecora quickly got back to work after hardly a moment’s “break” and rushed to the shelves where she kept her medical supplies.
When Danny came back to the waking world, he felt as if he was even more exhausted than before. His entire body was heavy, and he felt as if he could practically sink into the soft mattress. The blanket above him wasn’t bad either. It felt as if it was his only source of comfortable heat. He was familiar with not feeling like getting out of bed and ultimately (regrettably) defeating that urge, but this time, it felt like it was stronger than ever. Danny didn’t even want to move to muzzle into the comfort of the bed. He was just so tired, and his head was so fuzzy, and the bed was so...
Danny’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. He began pushing himself to wakefulness and fighting back against the urge to go back to sleep. When did he lay in a bed? Last he remembered, he had passed out in a cave. Not a bed. Where was he?
It was surprisingly difficult to open his eyes, and once he did, everything was still blurry. Danny groaned in discomfort as he struggled intensely to lift one of his arms. He tried to sit up, but then he heard what sounded like... hooves? He turned his head to the left, where the sound was coming from. It took him a while to let eyes focus, but when he did, he was absolutely shocked.
Danny’s body moved way too fast for itself as he sat up and tried to crawl back from the zebra. He stopped when his head began to spun and groaned in discomfort. The slightly familiar dark spots briefly clouded part of his vision, but after a couple blinks, they were gone just as fast as they came. Once his vision was cleared up, he saw that the zebra was still there. Not only that, it was closer.“Please, calm yourself! You need to rest to regain your health.” The zebra spoke in a pleading tone. Danny froze. He heard her voice and watched her mouth move, but the fact that a zebra had just spoke was baffling.
Her face had a slightly more humanoid appearance, almost in a cartoonish way. It was flatter than the zebra’s he’s seen in pictures and her eyes were bigger, too. This was both slightly unsettling and the tiniest bit comforting. He didn’t know how long he was in shocked silence, but it must’ve been a while since he noticed that her expression shifted to what had to be concern.“You... You can talk.” Danny muttered. Oddly enough, the zebra seemed to calm down when he said that. Given their close proximity, he wasn’t surprised that she heard him. The zebra lifted a hoof to her chest and breathed a brief, silent sigh of relief before smiling at him.“Speaking is something I’m able to do, and I’m pleased to know that so can you.” She said.
How was this possible? Had he been somehow pulled into another universe or something?! One full of talking zebras?! How long had he been unconscious? He wanted to say only a few hours, but it obviously wasn’t that if he had been transported into some kind of treehouse. Unless he was knocked out pretty hard. Wait, what if this was a dream? Or a hallucination?
Something poking his arm snapped him out of it. He jerked his arm a little and blinked a few times to help refocus his vision. The zebra had briefly touched him and looked at him worryingly. This definitely wasn’t a dream, or a hallucination. The touch was too real to be either of those things.”I’m sorry for making you uneasy, but you started to look queasy.“ She said. That’s when Danny noticed something. His legs, which he used to kick himself back, were now uncovered by the blanket. The scrapes he had left unattended in his frantic escape from the house were now bandaged up. One of the bandages had a splotch of red. It was the bad leg, he must’ve somehow missed it. He glanced at the zebra and looked at her in disbelief.”...Thank you.” He said, hardly believing that he was talking to a zebra. She gave him a warm smile.“You need not to thank me, I’m happy to help. Although I’m not sure how to assist you to regain your health. Your species is one I’m unfamiliar with, so I fear some medicine I have might make you more sick.” She said.
The words felt almost as if he heard them, but wasn’t able to pay attention enough to understand it. Just like in class.“I’m sure you said something, but I’m gonna need a minute to process.” Danny said. The zebra nodded in understanding and turned around.”I will give you space to think. Let me know if you need something to drink.” She said as she walked away. Danny hadn’t noticed this, but there were apparently thin, white curtains in what would be considered a doorway. She closed them to give him some privacy and dim the room a little. It was easier on his eyes that way.
The young halfa slowly moved to lay back down. He was still extremely tired and really wanted to just sleep. He wanted to sleep for weeks, maybe even months. But a part of his mind kept reminding him of the danger he could be in right now. He fought to stay awake so he could think, but he eventually lost that battle and slipped right back into sleep’s comfortable, warm embrace.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Danny stayed with Zecora while he healed. He wasn’t allowed to do much for the first week (not that he had much energy), but by the second week, his injuries had healed enough for him to be “allowed” to get up and move around more. The young halfa soon began to trust the zebra and appreciate her helping her. He was later determined to pay her back for the big favor she’d done for him, even when he was distrusting of her. Before he knew it, he had made a new friend.
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definitely-jax · 22 days ago
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emacrow · 10 months ago
The High Infinite realm king is missing and all of realities started to blurred in his absence while a Fright knights Quad are looking for their king.
It started during the time of Salam night of Halloween where the veil was at it's thinnest as Halloween Fright Knight was doing his job capturing the evil and dangerous creatures of the night, senting evils ghosts, demons, spirits and ghouls to the nightmare, hellish realm with his sword.
Once his duty was done as he was making sure on his checklist on his scroll because he refused to use those thing call Cell-phone as The rebirth Pharoah suggested to him.
And come back to report his duty was finished to find that The Throne broken and the king missing, and what seem to be ransacked with scorched walls here and there.
His grip on his green scroll loosen as it dropped to the green glowing ground, being stained by the splattered of ecto mixed red blood was on the purple tilted floor.
The High King was missing which mean the Infinite realm has lost it's very core.. which mean realities itself will soon collapse as very dimensions collides instead of staying in their balance places.
Meanwhile metropolis, gotham and even altantian was experience trouble as people were running/swimming and screaming from a the literal rifts and tears of the sky and ground, each having a alternate dimension of some sort.
One having literal pony verison of themselves with unicorns, alicorns and Pegasus.
There was one where serial killer are chasing poor victim and feeding them to some claw like being.
Another with literal hell with fire, demons and dead people screaming in torture.
And many other dimensions started to blurred in the seams like a mismatch blanket being sewed in terribly wrong by a amateur. Ghosts, mythic, supernatural beings, biblically accurate angels and monsters of unholy natures were popping left and right, here and there.
The justice league were in the middle of the meeting with John Constantine who was looking like he saw the very end of his life with how pale he was.
From what John Constantine knows that even every demons, Gods and Goddesses of death themselves were all searching as well for the High Infinite realm king... especially considering he was their boss that keep their dimensions stable and running in the first place. They do not like that some of their subjects were escaping in this particular dimension due to the literal dimension tears.
And what is on everyone's minds was, Where is Danny Phantom?!?
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jackalspine · 8 months ago
uhm.. I forgor. Here’s fluttershy looking at a dead body.
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